Maintaining your Garden Tools in Good Condition
July 2nd, 2009 by Myarticle

Garden Shed


There’s nothing worse than an inefficient tool when an important garden job needs to be done. If you do not maintain your garden tools they will go rusty and blunt and then will need to be replaced. It’s an inconvenience to stop your activity and go buy another. You dont need to spand heaps of money as it is a simple process. Simple and easy maintenance will keep your tools in good condition. Keep reading below to get some free and easy points to keep your tools in great condition. These tips include the why and how of cleaning your tools, sharpening them, and storing them.

Cleaning Your Garden Tools

You want your tools to stay clean and looking good. Regular cleaning and maintenance will keep your tools sharp. It may also make them rust quicker. So what you’ll want to do is clean excess dirt and rust off of them with water. Make sure you dry all tools after you use them to stop them from going rusty. Scrape and wipe off extra stubborn dirt and rust. This can be done with a rag or towel. You can also clean off some dirt after use (if they don’t need a thorough cleaning) by wiping them through and on grass. If your tools are in really bad shape just drying them will not be adequate. If joints in your tools are creaking, you’ll want to lubricate them. A silicon spray will work fine. This helps ensure that rusty bolts and joints don’t break and work smoothly.

Storing Your Garden Tools

You’ll want to store your tools properly to keep them safe from harm, theft, rusting, and other things. If you uncaringly toss your tools to the side when you’re done with them, there’s a possibility of breaking or losing them. So what you want to do is have a specific safe and dry place to store your tools, such as a barn, basement, or garden shed. Keep your tools organized so you can easily access each one when you need it. Always remember when you have finished, clean the tool and put it back where it belongs. If you leave tools sitting in bad positions, they can break or bend, and they won’t work properly. Tools should always be kept in a safe secure place. Put them in a place where you know they are, and only you have access to them. Garden sheds have some great storage systems and are probably the best way to store your tools.

Sharpening Dull Garden Tools

Dull tools don’t work as well as they should. Not only will they not do the job efficiently, they can ruin plants, yards, and other things. They can make bad or dull cuts, or not make cuts at all. If you have a dull tool, you don’t have to buy another one. Your tools need just need a simple sharpen. Always make sure your tools are clean before you sharpen them. This will help them sharpen better and it will keep your tools for sharpening safe from dirt and rust as well.You can use sharpening blocks a stones or a file to sharpen most tools.Knives and scissors can also be sharpened with files, but the file to sharpen and knife is different from the file used to sharpen scissors.You can use a file or sharpening stone for sharpening your hoe.You can also use sharpening stones or metal files for sharpening things such as shovels and rakes.You can use a file to keep your tools sharp.



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